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The Men’s Golf Association was founded in March, 2010 and subsequently incorporated in 2010 as a Florida Not for Profit Corporation, and as such, files annual reports with the Florida Department of State.


The original founders were Dale Erdly, Steve Gelardi, Mike Grove, Bill Hall, Bill Simpson, and Steve Tarr.  PGA National Golf Professional Jason Dagnon supported the MGA golf activities at that time. Officers were elected and By-Laws and Rules and regulations were approved in  March 2010. The By-Laws state that the mission of the MGA is to provide golf tournaments and events that are exciting for male golfers of all skill levels, so that it encourages their participation, builds camaraderie, and promotes membership.


The first president was Dale Erdly. The founders met in the spring and summer of 2010 to plan the golf program for the 2010-2011 season. Membership dues for the first season were $60 and members were charged $5 for every Wednesday they played. This charge was eliminated in 2012. The current website was created in 2011.


Since its founding the executive committee, along with the professional staff have decided on the formats and planning for some 22-23 Wednesday Men’s days, Major tournaments, and 3 to 4 one-day Member-Guest events. Complimentary dinners were held for all members at the beginning and ending of each season. Early initiatives of the MGA included make your own foursome for Wednesday men’s day play and a “Tee it Forward”program (which resulted in the current Green Tees).


The MGA’s first annual meeting of members was held April 13, 2011. Treasurer Steve Tarr reported at the meeting that 342 members had paid dues for the 2010-2011 year. Also, at that meeting the founders as well as Barry Berquist and Rusty Kelley were elected to the MGA committee.

Today, a number of our founders continue to play in MGA events and provide counsel to the current MGA board members.

©2021 by Mens Golf Association at Palm Beach Gardens.

Authored by: Carlo Disney All Rights Reserved

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