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MGA By-Laws
As Amended May 2023


Section 1. NAME. The name of the organization shall be PGA National Men’s Golf Association, INC., herein referred to as “the MGA”.


Section 1. MISSION. The mission of the MGA is to provide golf events with formats that are fun to play for male golfers of all skill levels. The events should build camaraderie, friendships and competition with adherence to the Rules of Golf.


Section 1. MEMBERS. All male full golf and sports members of PGA National Golf and Sports Club, aged 18 and older, or a male resident of Devonshire, are eligible for membership in the MGA. MGA members are entitled to participate in MGA sponsored tournaments, weekly play and related activities. In order to participate in any MGA event, a lessee is only eligible to be a member of the MGA when full membership is transferred from a lessor, or a golf membership is purchased from PGA National.

Section 2. DUES. Annual membership dues shall be determined by the Executive Committee. A completed Membership Application and payment of non-refundable dues must be received by the MGA prior to any participation in MGA events.


Section 1. OFFICERS. The Officers of the MGA comprise the Executive Committee which consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Ex Officio and Committee Chairmen appointed by the President. The President may designate the Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer from the Executive Committee. Further, the President shall have the discretion to appoint Officers to Chair MGA Committees as designated in Articles V and VII. Officers of the Executive Committee including the President shall not exceed eleven (11) in number. The Executive Committee recommends the nominee for President from the existing Executive Committee and requests the Nominating Committee to place him on the slate of Officers to be elected. The President must be elected by the MGA membership. The outgoing President is eligible to serve one additional term as Ex Officio.

Section 2. ELIGIBILITY. To be eligible to serve as an Officer on the Executive Committee, a nominee must be a current MGA member in good standing for at least two (2) consecutive years immediately prior to the election. To be eligible to serve as President, the member must be a current Officer of the Executive Committee for at least two (2) consecutive years.

Section 3. VACANCIES. In the event the President is unable to serve or the office becomes vacant, the Vice President will assume the duties of the President until the next Annual Meeting. Anyone who ascends to the Presidency by this means may be elected to the office for one more term. In the event another Executive Committee Officer is unable to serve or the office is vacant the President may appoint a replacement. The new Officer may serve out the remainder of the term of the previous Officer. At the completion of that term, the new Officer must be elected by the MGA members to continue serving and his time on the Executive Committee is limited to three (3) additional terms.

Section 4. TERM. Subject to the provisions of Section 3 above, no Executive Committee member may serve as President for more than one (1) term. Further, no Executive Committee member may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same Executive Committee position or more than four (4) consecutive terms on the Executive Committee. Each term is two (2) years and the number of Officers entering and exiting the Executive Committee are staggered with three (3) new Officers elected one term and three (3) current Officers exiting the Executive Committee the same term. At the end of the next term, two (2) new Officers enter and two (2) current Officers leave the Executive Committee. The rotation continues to assure a complete turnover of the Executive Committee in four (4) terms. The President shall, when necessary, modify the staggering rotation to ensure that only eleven (11) officers serve on the Executive Committee at one time. Staggering the terms purposefully creates a smooth, deliberate, and efficient turnover of Executive Committee Officers in order to foster new ideas, continuity, and diversity of experience.


Section 1. PRESIDENT. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee and MGA members. The President shall determine the annual budget with the assistance of the Treasurer and other members of the Executive Committee. The President’s vote shall be the deciding vote cast in the event of tie votes of the Executive Committee. The President shall appoint and reappoint Committee Chairmen. The President shall serve as an ex-officio member of all Committees and sub-committees except the Nominating Committee. The President shall make appointments to fill vacancies among the elected Executive Committee members until the next Annual Meeting. The President shall, when necessary, modify the staggering rotation to ensure that only eleven (11) officers serve on the Executive Committee at one time.


Section 2. VICE PRESIDENT. The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President and shall assume any responsibilities designated by the President.


Section 3. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall keep a full account of all monies received and disbursed by the MGA. The Treasurer shall prepare a budget for the approval of the Executive Committee and shall disburse funds as directed by the Executive Committee and in accordance with the budget. The Treasurer shall present a financial report at the Annual Meeting of the MGA members and as requested by the President. The Treasurer is authorized to open bank accounts in the name of the MGA; to disburse funds from and to deposit funds to those accounts and to authorize in writing, other MGA Board members to do the same, as required.


Section 4. SECRETARY. The Secretary shall act as Corresponding and Recording Secretary and shall keep the records and minutes of the MGA and the Executive Committee and shall attend to all correspondence and notices of the MGA and the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall maintain the By-Laws, prepare amendments to the By-Laws and provide notice to the MGA members of any proposed amendments to the By- Laws. The Secretary shall maintain a record of service for all Members to determine eligibility to hold office and maintain the governance section to the MGA website. The Secretary shall provide MGA members notice of and proxy for the Annual Meeting and act as parliamentarian at the Annual Meeting.


Section 5. EX OFFICIO. The outgoing President is eligible to serve one (1) additional term beyond the Executive Committee limits to assist in the administration of the Executive Committee and will sit on all Committees except the Nominating Committee, as the President deems appropriate, and aids in the transition from one administration to the next.


Section 6. COMMITTEES. The Officers of the Executive Committee other than the President, may be appointed to chair committees that are essential to the efficient management and governance of the MGA. The chairman will recruit other Executive Committee Officers to assist in their efforts. The Committees are, Rules & Regulations, Communication & Technology, Events & Competition, Food & Beverage, Oversight & Liaison to Professional Staff, and Nominating.


Section 1. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. The elected Officers of the MGA shall comprise the Executive Committee.

Section 2. GOVERNANCE. The MGA is governed by the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of the MGA between meetings of the membership and shall promulgate Rules and Regulations for eligibility and play in MGA tournaments and events.


Section 1. MGA COMMITTEES. Committees of the MGA may include Rules & Regulations, Communications & Technology, Events & Competition, Food & Beverage, Oversight & Liaison to Professional Staff, and Nominating. The Chairs and their Committee Officers shall perform the functions of their respective Committees described below.


Section 2. RULES & REGULATIONS. This Committee works with the PGA National Handicap Committee and the Professional Golf Staff to help ensure that MGA members understand and comply with the provisions of the World Handicap System, have accurate handicaps, know the USGA Rules of Golf, and apply those Rules correctly. It keeps membership informed of important Rule changes and their application. It informs membership of local rules governing play, including pace of play and withdrawal penalties.


Section 3. COMMUNICATION & TECHNOLOGY. This Committee promotes the dissemination of information to MGA members about MGA events, tournament results, and how to use Golf Genius. It manages the MGA website providing current information during the season and manage signage for MGA events at the Members Club.

Section 4. EVENTS & COMPETITION. This Committee works with the PGA Professional Golf Staff to develop each season’s tournament and weekly play schedules, formats, and costs. It coordinates the schedules and funding requirements with the President and Treasurer and recommends schedule and formats to the Executive Committee for approval.


Section 5. FOOD & BEVERAGE. This Committee interfaces with the PGA National catering staff to plan and price MGA events where food and beverages are served.


Section 6. OVERSIGHT & LAISON to PROFESSIONAL STAFF. This Committee interfaces with the PGA Golf Professional Staff regarding the conduct of MGA events.

Section 7. NOMINATING. This Committee’s duties are set forth in Article IX of the By-Laws.


Section 1. ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the MGA members shall be held in April at a time and place as the Executive Committee may designate for the purpose of electing members of the Executive Committee, presenting the financial condition of the MGA and taking up any other business deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee. Written notice of the meeting and a proxy ballot shall be sent to the MGA members by the Secretary at least fourteen (14) days prior to the date fixed for such meeting. To conduct business and elections at the Annual Meeting, a quorum must be established. Twenty (20) MGA member votes, either in person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum. If no quorum is present, the presiding officer shall adjourn the meeting to a time at least ten (10) days distant, and written notice of such adjourned date shall be given to all MGA members.

Section 2. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETINGS. The Executive Committee shall meet monthly and at such dates and times as the President may designate.

Section 3. MGA TERMS. The term of the Executive Committee will be from May 1 to April 30.


Section 1. NOMINATIONS. Executive Committee members of the MGA shall be elected by its members at the Annual Meeting of the MGA. The Nominating Committee shall consist of five (5) members, appointed by the Executive Committee. No more than two (2) members of the Executive Committee shall serve on the Nominating Committee. The President shall appoint the Chairman from among the five (5) members. The duties of the Nominating Committee shall be to receive all nominations and prepare a slate for election.

Section 2. ELECTIONS. The Nominating Committee shall notify the Secretary of its nominations of candidates for the Executive Committee. The completed slate, which will contain an area for write-in candidates, shall be provided to all MGA members at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual Meeting. Write-in candidates must meet the eligibility requirements as stated in Article IV, Section 2. The Executive Committee members shall be elected by majority vote of MGA members casting votes at the Annual Meeting. MGA members may vote in person or by proxy ballot.


Section 1. AMENDMENTS. These By-Laws may be amended at any time during the year by majority vote of the Executive Committee or by two thirds (2/3) vote of the MGA members voting at the Annual Meeting, provided notification of a proposed amendment shall have been provided to all MGA members at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual Meeting.


Section 2. EFFECTIVE DATE. Amendments made by majority vote of the Executive Committee shall, before becoming effective, be published to the MGA members at least fourteen (14) days prior to the proposed effective date and shall become effective if fewer than forty (40) per-cent of MGA members file objections with the Secretary before the proposed effective date. If more than forty (40) percent of MGA members file written objections with the Secretary prior to the proposed effective date, such proposed amendments may not become effective, but may be voted on at the next Annual Meeting.


Section 1. The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the MGA in all cases to which they are applicable in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws.

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